PEACE IN YOUR HEART by BLUE ROSE CODE - As Prayers At Fitzroy Communion

BRC 10

I see you on the road

Trying to find your way home

And I wish you peace in your heart

Bring your boat to the shore

Don't be alone anymore

And I wish you peace in your heart

With a love you will always know


From the moment I heard Blue Rose Code’s (I Wish You) Peace In Your Heart I wanted to use it in Fitzroy. 

As a pastor I am aware of anxieties, pain and grief that a congregation carries. I look back on last year and know that many have not had it easy.

Blue Rose Code’s main man Ross Wilson has written this near benediction. It isn’t about everything being fixed. It is about a deeper peace within as we “find our way home”. 

There is the added “a love that you always know.” I am ever praying and preaching that Fitzroy know the truth of Emmanuel - God with Us. That they are always loved.

When I considered how to share this song I knew that Caroline Orr with Peter Greer on piano could do it absolute justice. I was not wrong. It was a beautiful performance.

I set it in our monthly communion service. I used it as the prayers before the communion, followed by the prayer below that I riffed off Ross’s lyric. Then during the actual sharing of the bread and wine Caroline and Peter reprised the song.

It worked beautifully. We will do its again.


My prayer (flowing on from the song)


As we gather around this table I pray for peace in our hearts

I pray for a year that is easier on our souls

Easier on us all


When the broken world takes a piece of us

When it snaps our hearts into pieces

May a piece of this bread

Symbol of a piece of Jesus, given for us

Jesus among us

God with us

The Spirit our companion, counsellor and comfort

May we know peace on ours hearts.


When our souls and flesh and blood

Get poured out by this world’s anxieties, grief and trauma

Leaving your energy and faith and hope wizened and dry

May this cup of wine

Symbol of Jesus lifeblood poured out for us

Forgiveness of sins

Covenant of love

Fortitude of resilience 

Be a life transfusion

God with us

Making himself perfect in our weakness

May we know piece in your heart


We are another year old

Watch the darkness burst into gold

When we find that peace in our hearts

With a love we will always know

There is a love we will always know


As we gather around this table I pray for peace in our hearts

I pray for a year that is easier on your soul

Easier on us all


In Jesus name



watch the service (Song and prayers at 1.20.25) - HERE 




You pay that for this hotel room

I’m lying in it here for free

Took a train, first class ticket

Then a cruise across a pretty sea

We’ve come to take your houses

Steal all your government handouts

Threaten all of your religion rights

Grab your culture and stamp it all out


Is that what the ones you know are telling you

About what they are really here to do?


The ones that I know are telling me

That they just want to be free


Free from the pounding in their heads

Free from the knot in their gut

Free from the bombs down their street

Free from the bullets in the baby’s cot

Free from the humanitarian disaster

Free from the devastating destruction

Free from the years in refugee camps

Free from the Taliban’s hateful instruction.


The ones that I know are telling me

That they just want to be free


Is that what are the ones you know are telling you

About what they are really here to do?


This began on the week of the racist attacks in Belfast in August 2024. 

There was a mischievous (kind word for it) meme about how asylum seekers had got free hotels that we paid big money for. It was not at all thought through and seemed to be making big statements from a distance. 

Spending time with those just arrived on our shores, as I have been able to do through Janice’s work in Fitzroy, I hear a deeper story that generates more empathy, sympathy and compassion. 

Don't mistreat any foreigners who live in your land. Instead, treat them as well as you treat citizens and love them as much as you love yourself.” 

      - Leviticus 19:33



the Sunday before October 7th... thinking of Israel/Palestine/Lebanon... prayers in Fitzroy...


God of love

Who loved the world so much that he gave...

We worship you, give you praise

God of peace

Whose angels heralded in Christ’s arrival on earth with “Peace on earth and good will to all human beings..”


God who hears us in the dark

Because you are up all night

Our world is in a violent, frightening, bleak moment

We can hardly watch the news for the horror

In the place Jesus walked it is mayhem and death

It has been a year, in the recent killings

And we feel hopeless


We don’t even know how to pray anymore


God, it is such an emotional, divisive conflict

You feel that if you say anything about it

Someone will attack you for prejudice


So Lord we stammer a few prayers...


Lord we pray for humanity to be restored

Where whether state or rebel forces

All will see the other as themselves

Where every victim will be seen as made in your image

And compassion rather than hate will overcome


Lord we pray for the safety of the people 

Comfort for those injured

God of love be around those who have lost loved ones

Children living through the trauma

We pray that ceasefires will be called immediately

So that humanitarian needs can be met

We pray for those NGOs who are trying and planning to help


Lord we pray for wisdom and vision

Not only in that local geography 

But among world leaders

May the UN be given imagination

Strategy and courage to end the violence

And bring all side together

May all sides see their people as more important than their land

And compromise for the peace and prosperity of their people


God we are weak in belief

We are heavy with doubt

But we seek you God of love and peace

To interrupt 

We know about such interruptions 

And are thankful for the peace we now enjoy

As we live between the 30th Anniversaries of our ceasefires

We long to hear news of ceasefires in Israel, Palestine and Lebanon


In the name of the Prince of Peace we pray



Day Of peace

(For International Day Of Peace, I asked Mylie Brennan to pray in Fitzroy... This is Mylie's prayer)

God above, as we gather in the wake of the international day of peace, we acknowledge it is difficult at times to feel that our pleas for peace are heard. We have looked on in horror at Gaza for months with no end of conflict and devastation in sight. We think of Ukraine, of the DRC, of Lebanon, Yemen, and we - people made in your image - cry out in grief for our fellow people who are dying and suffering in the wake of conflict. Lord hear our prayers.

While we hold the suffering of our brethren in our hearts, we also acknowledge we have seen the power of peace. We have seen weapons laid down, dialogue between enemies, and even some of the hardest of hearts softened. We believe you are God of peace, of shalom, and that you have moved in our world and in our city, and you will continue to bring light into darkness.

You said “blessed are the peacemakers” and today we pray that you will give us the strength and tenacity to be not just peacekeepers, but to be peacemakers. Lord, give us the humility to see the hardness in our own hearts and the ability to move beyond our own propensity for division. Thank you for those who have gone before us who have modeled humility and persistence. Remind us to continually lift each other up, because we want to be a community of peace, and we know we are stronger and more impactful together.

So we pray today for peacemakers to rise up in the midst of conflicts around the world, within governments and neighborhoods and families, and we pray for your will to be done through us, oh god of peace. Amen.


Lough Neagh

Lough Neagh... environmentally damaged...


Churches are currently observing a Season of Creation and so to launch it I asked David and Sheila McNeill to pray us into it. This is their beautiful script. 


Heavenly Father,

Thank you for the gift of your wonderful creation.

Thank you for flowers which appear in spring and summer, filling the countryside with colour and beauty. For primroses and violets, meadowsweet and honeysuckle, water lilies and ragged robin.

Thank you for our recent Fitzroy trip to Rathlin Island, where we enjoyed sunshine, fellowship and the beautiful landscape decorated with purple heather alongside golden gorse.

Thank you for the huge diversity of fauna we see around us - for all animal life, feeding, breeding and living in the land, sea and sky. Thank you for squirrels and foxes, kingfishers and ravens, lizards and tadpoles.

For mini-beasts which fascinate us with their stunning detail - for the wings of a butterfly, the spots on a ladybird, the stripes on a bee and the dazzling dance of a dragonfly.

Thank you for habitats, which enable each creature and plant to thrive - for water, soil, sand and rocks, for temperature, humidity and aspect – each contributing to create environmental niches suited to sustain a wonderfully rich biodiversity.

Thank you for our unique Irish habitats, for fields, meadows, boglands, our coastline, dunes, waterways, mountains, valleys and precious woodlands.

Thank you for our hedgerows which border fields and roads, for blackthorn, hawthorn, rose, holly, spindle and crab apple, creating green corridors across the countryside for birds and animals to live and travel safely.

Thank you for our waterways, teeming with life in and on the water, and for the banks clothed with plants and trees. We are saddened to see Lough Neagh and our river highways marred by the growth of blue-green algae. And we pray for wisdom for those seeking to restore these jewels of our environment.

We pray for the farming community, the stewards of our countryside. We pray that they would have sustainable livelihoods where the harvesting and restoring of the earth’s resources is balanced, and fragile habitats are protected for wildlife.

We pray for the fishing community, tasked with dipping into your oceans for food. We pray for the responsible control of fishing methods and for fishing rights to provide food and maintain the beauty and balance of sea life.

We pray for those with political responsibility to protect and maintain our environment. Help Andrew Muir, our environment minister, in consultation with farming and wildlife experts, to make wise decisions and to implement the necessary changes. 

Finally, Lord, we pray for ourselves. Help us to live gratefully and tread lightly in your majestic, yet fragile, world.




I cannot get these wee girls out of my head. So lovely. So innocent. So excited. Having such fun. Such long lives ahead of them. 

And their parents. Oh their poor torn up parents. Who couldn't see how it could happen or see how they can live on with what has happened.  


Dark strikes light

Horror kills fun

Evil massacres dance

Dark strikes light

We are left with the bloody scene of the unbelievable

In the security cordon of the unfathomable

In the rest of our lives confusion




Intrigue in the novel and film

But in reality

Their crashing in on our lives

Smashes our hearts to pieces

The shards blow out from family homes

Across communities

Cutting deep.


Today you grieve in the mystery

The mystery of badness

The mystery of randomness

The mystery of why you

The mystery of never being explained

Yet having to learn to live in that mystery.


I believe in another mystery

The mystery of goodness

The mystery of love

The mystery of comfort

Jesus called the Holy Spirit a comforter

So, I pray for you

That in the mystery of why

In the mystery of what

You will know the mystery of how

Comfort can

Against the odds 

Reach into the depths of your broken heart

And mysteriously give you resilience

As you walk into the grief

Of the days and years to come

God have mercy.






Lord we come before the God of peace

Of love and of grace

We worship you as holy

Utterly different than what we know

Or have intuition toward

A God who became one of us

Gave up all

To take on flesh

In a manger

To wash feet

To die, "the Lamb Of God who takes away the sin of the world"

Lord we seek your presence

In this our Twelfth week in Northern Ireland

We pray for safety

Safety for those building bonfires

Those around bonfires

Those who control bonfires

And the neighbourhoods around bonfires

We pray for safety for the security forces and fire service

We also pray for safety for the parades

We pray for grace and tolerance from those marching

And from those in the neighbourhoods they walk through

May there be peace on our streets

And no headlines on our TVs.


Lord, we yearn for your presence this week

Lord interrupt and remove the hate and sectariansim

As well as the flags and effigies from the bonfires

Instead Lord, pile up our false caricatures

Our myths and lies and exaggerations of one another

May we stop the cycle

To repent from generations of animosity

To become peacemakers

Lovers of the enemy

Followers of Jesus in the Kingdom of God

Lord interrupt with your love and peace

And that holy justice that lays down its own life for the crimes committed against it

Lord may your will be done

On the streets of Northern Ireland this week

In the name of the King of Kings.



Fitzroy from across the road

(A Pentecost Prayer for Fitzroy...)


God for the church since Pentecost

Down millennia

For the Presbyterian Church in Ireland

Down a few centuries

And for Fitzroy

Two hundred years a fellowship

One hundred and fifty years in this building

We give you thanks

We celebrate all that it has achieved for you

The harvest brought in

The Kingdom come

We worship and praise you.


And we seek your forgiveness

When we got it wrong

When we went up side alleys

When took your name in vain by our confusion


God be faithful and just to forgive us

And, on this Pentecost Sunday, then purify us from all unrighteousness


God we stand across the world

To worship you

We kneel to pray to you

We long to follow you


Lord pour out your Spirit as at Pentecost

Energise us

Refresh us

Fill us with courage

That we might live life and life in all its fulness


May we be open to change

To transformation

To new directions

Nimble as old truths 

Need new incarnations 

For different times

Different places

Different needs


May we be open to wherever your spirit leads

And may we know your Spirit

Before us, 

Behind us, 

Around us, 

Within us

Our companion

Our counsellor

Our comforter


Your grace as the energy to fire discipleship 

In our place

In our time

For your glory through the ages

And on into eternity.


God, on this Pentecost Sunday, give us faith to believe the truth

And the right at times to ask why

Give us joy in life’s fulfilment

And the right at times to cry

God give us the strength to carry one another 

And the right at times to be the one who wilts

Give us your grace towards your holiness

And the right to confess our guilt

Father show us a bigger picture

Jesus put grace notes in our song

Holy Spirit put us on a road that’s deeper

And more eternal than the one we’re on.





From our own efforts to gather more

To the birds who have enough

From our own attempts to look good

To the roses in their springtime magnificence



From the feeble efforts to change who we are

To surrender intoto what God’s grace longs to make us

From waiting until we are good enough for God

To having his strength made perfect in our weakness



From the selfishness of the thrill of a moment

To the usefulness of things that last forever

From the slavery of the things that we see

To the freedom of living in the blessings unseen



From the love we are craving to get

To the service we are zealous to give

From a holiness that feeds our self righteousness

To a Godliness that feeds the world



Paul's Ordination

This is my prayer at Paul Lutton's ordination and installation in St John's, Newtownbreda on January 26th 2024... Many of you kindly said how helpful it was so I thought I'd post


Loving God

We pray for your church tonight

Your Church across the world

Your Presbyterian Church in Ireland

Your Newtownbreda (St John’s) 


We pray for ministers

For passion in their preaching

Wisdom in their teaching

For cultural discernment

For tender compassion

For clarity of vision

For the Holy Spirit’s inspiration

For the humility of Jesus 

Who was the God of the manger, the donkey, the towel and the cross


We pray for elders

To play their role

With shepherd hearts

That they will watch over the flock with sensitivity and care

That Christlike service will be their prayerful longing and testimony

To the church and the world


Tonight Lord

We pray for Paul and Emma and Esther and Daniel particularly

Bind them tighter together as Paul’s vocation shifts and starts afresh


May Paul find his place here in Newtownbreda

Working and honing the wonderful gifts that you have given him

May he not be forced up blind alleys for traditions sake

But be set free to lead imaginatively and courageously in the NOW

Leading this community of faith into the future

Lord may this congregation let Lutton be Lutton

We pray for Emma and Esther and Daniel

They are not called, or installed tonight

Yet they will be crucial to Paul’s ministry

May they be allowed to find their place in this body of believers

Finding and using their own special gifts and personalities

But never being forced to find gifts they haven’t been given

Or do things that would corner or burden their own particular discipleship


God, bind this little family in your tenderest care

Wrap them in resilience and courage and love

That from that core they would be a blessing to this church

And neighbourhood and city.


Lord tonight is a wonderful, 

A celebratory night for this congregation

But tomorrow and the years down the road 

Are where Paul will need that smile, 

That clap on the back 

And that sense of being cherished, valued and supported

May the elders and congregation of Newtownbreda actively continue to do that from this night forward.


And Lord, may all of us remember our calling to follow you and to do that in the community of Church.

Send us humbly to follow you wherever we worship and serve…

In Jesus name
