FR MARTIN MAGILL & STEVE STOCKMAN - Belfast Telegraph's Take 5

Martin And I

photo: Bernie Brown


The double act that is Fr. Martin Magill and I were asked by The Belfast Telegraph to contribute to their TAKE 5 series. It was published on November 23rd. Here are our answers. 



STEVE: Everyone should read this year’s Booker Prize winning Prophet Song by Paul Lynch. I also love Colum McCann and Claire Keegan… but my all time favourite is The Atlas Of Forgotten Places by Canadian Jenny D Williams, set in Uganda, where I read it on sabbatical in 2018. I felt that book and felt that it felt me.

MARTIN: It would have to be Tattoos on the Heart: The Power of Boundless Compassion by Greg Boyle, the inspirational founder of Homeboys the largest gang rehabilitation and re-entry programme in the world though Guard Your Heart by local writer Sue Divin is in there too with Into the Silent Land: The Practice of Contemplation being my favourite spiritual book after the Bible of course. 



STEVE: Too many but if push came to shove it has to be A Case of You by Joni Mitchell (Canadian again!). An vulnerable love song with a wee spiritual verse thrown in.  

MARTIN: I love Time to Go Inward by Rodney Crowell with the powerful lyrics including “It's time to go inward, time to be still If I don't do it now I don't believe I ever will”.  



STEVE: Shawshank Redemption is the serious one and Bruce Almighty the comedy. They are the two that I have used most for sermon illustrations. 

MARTIN: I suppose not just for this time of the year but for anytime of the year, it has to be It’s a Wonderful Life with lots of tissues beside me. 



STEVE: Oh I love Cape Town, Vancouver, Arua in Uganda but if we have been in love with Ballycastle for 28 years and go up there anytime we can.

MARTIN: I have a particular fondness for the Lake District having spent several holidays there; closer to home, McArt’s Fort on the Cavehill Hill on a good day looking over Belfast is really hard to beat. 



STEVE: I do love the sea food Boxty in Holohan’s Pantry but if I am treating myself in another restaurant it would have to be Steak and champ. 

MARTIN: My real favourite would have to be a really good floury potato, lots of butter and a glass of milk but if going out somewhere it’s likely to be something Italian having spent four years in Rome. 


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