There is nothing like a NeedToBreathe album to make you feel your life pumping through you. Their banjos and mandolins, maybe a little back in the mix compared to Mumford & Sons, have this vivacious sound upon which they lay the most infectious melodies upon. Add to that a deep and yet never preachy Christian content to singable lyrics and it is no wonder they have been so popular for so long.
Caves will not let the fan base down but a close listen will suggest their most varied and perhaps musically complete record yet. The title track and Hideaway give that life affirming sound to difficult places where resilience is to be found. Country outfit Old Dominion help them to rock out on Wasting Time and there are the piano driven ballads How Wonderful We Are and Reaching Out To Find You.
The big sounding Evermore we are told is for the humble unnoticed heroes. It could be about Jesus too; Gospel infused. The closing Temporary Tears grabs us Nordie Irish, a duet with one of our own local heroes Foy Vance. Two of my wife’s favourite gruff and vulnerable voices share their doubts and brokenness mingled with joy and hope and a heavenly sounding choir.
Over all I am surmising the band’s look at forgiveness. I believe that they have nailed the secret of God’s intentions with forgiveness in When You Forgive Someone. It has the simple rhymes and deep insights that I love these guys for:
All that's heavy on my soul
Lay it down and let it go
All that's heavy on my soul
Lay it down and let it go
'Cause when you forgive someone
You set yourself free
Oh, when you forgive someone
You set yourself free
Later in the track listing, during the aforementioned Reaching Out To Find You:
There's always give in the forgiveness
I guess that's just the chance we'll have to take
'Cause silence ain't the answer
It never makes the point we're trying to make.
It is a number of years since my daughter introduced me to NeedToBreathe and difficult believe that I haven’t written a review about them before now. It is not like they haven’t released enough records. These guys are prolific with studio records, eps, acoustic and live releases, never mind solo records by their mailman Bear Rinehart under the name Wilder Woods.
I am glad I did as Caves is NeedToBreathe most fulfilled.