Our God at the heart of St Patrick’s message we find forgiveness
A man who knew that he was forgiven
A man who forgave
"Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us"
God, St. Patrick lived those words
Yet we in this country who celebrate St Patrick have been abject failures at showing that to one another
For years, aye decades, indeed centuries, we have failed to find forgiveness for one another
We have talked our own prejudicial justice and wreaked vengeance
It leaves our island with two St Patrick’s
Ours and theirs
Marching in different parades
Lord if ever there was an antithesis of St Patrick we are that
God forgive us
God show us the centrality of forgiveness in your righteous ways
God may we not languish in some self righteous sense of our own forgiveness from you
While playing hermeneutical gymnastics with God’s call for us to forgive
Lord, this St Patrick’s weekend may we for the first time in 16 hundred years hear St Patrick’s call to be forgivers
God right now we seek your forgiveness as we confess our sins of commission and omission to you and others
- silence to ask forgiveness -
We thank you that 1 John promises that “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.”
So Lord, thank you for our forgiveness through "the lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world".
Send us back into our world knowing we are forgiven
To be forgivers
In Jesus name