Heavenly meteorite hurtling
Unseen but deeply felt
If never fully realised
By those who’ve never knelt
The tremors they ripple across all time
The poets at last can find their rhyme
Heavenly meteorite hurtling.
Heavenly meteorite hurtling
As usual but all amiss
History stripped of how it was
To how from now on it is
The radical revolution all a shudder
Old way surrendering to this new other
Heavenly meteorite hurtling
Heavenly meteorite hurtling
Unnoticed but all askew
Thrones thrown out of kilter
The meek inherit what’s new
The repercussions spin out forever
Imaginers threading peace back together
Heavenly meteorite hurtling.
Christmas seems to happen so quietly. God is born in an out of the way place. He's not even in an Inn. The hymn writers would call it a silent night. They would give the impression of all being calm. The soft skin of a new born baby has been laid in the softest straw.
I have always imagined that spiritually it is anything but gentle or calm. My theological imagination has poetically sensed that that first Christmas morning was like God scrunching up a hunk of heavenly semtex in his hand and hurling his holy values at a planet that needed knocked out of step with its self serving ways of power and wealth.
When Jesus landed on earth from heaven he hit with a jolt and knocked everything from the way it was into how it would be. God's upside down Kingdom was world changing.