photo: Nursing Times
(as our world stutters into yet another difference Coronavirus season, I prayed this prayer in Fitzroy)
Lord we thank you for being in Church again
For seeing one another
For feeling the communal sense of belief
We thank you for the vaccines that made this possible
Yet Lord we live through uncertainty, danger, fear
It is a stuttering start to the church year
Things seem less locked down
But we are not back to any kind of old normal
As we stutter through yet another new unique season
Be with us - Emmanuel
Be with our medics, all who work in hospital
And take the brunt
Who’ve been through the trauma
Who carry the wounds
Who are perhaps a little demoralised
Be with them Lord - Emmanuel
Be with our teachers
Trying to do school in a mad environment
Suffering the pingdemic
Trying to manage the fluctuating classes
Not sure who has been taught what
Trying to me more than teachers to our children and young people
Be with them - Emmanuel
Our youth and children
Trying to go through adolescence in strange days
Trying to shape their future in uncertainty
Missing out on life memories
And rites of passage
Be with them - Emmanuel
Be with our students just off to University
As they our crammed into halls
If they have halls
As they try to make friends behind masks
As no one has experiences what they are dealing with
Be with them - Emmanuel
Be with our business men and women
So much uncertainty there
As furlough ends
As apprentices haven’t been trained
As exit from the EU adds to the confusion
Be with them - Emmanuel
Lord be with all of us
In our more stressed family lives
As we love
And grieve
And go through illness
And worry about getting or spreading the virus
Lord may Love thy neighbour be a radical daily act
But Lord give us patience
Patience with each other
Patience with ourselves
Patience with society
Patience Lord to take a day at a time
Be with us Lord - Emmanuel