photo: Janice Gordon-Stockman
The air is heavy in the atmosphere of Covid-19.
One of the disciplines I have found helpful as I seek some resilience to help me make it through the challenge is to take time to take in the wonder of the world. A walk with Janice and Jed. Looking harder for goodness and blessing.
Chestnuts. No great usefulness. Not even in the playground anymore. Yet, their beauty. The colour. The shine. You cannot leave them on the ground…
Sunny October Sunday
Underneath Manchester City skies
If Lucy walked among these trees
She’d sing of all the gold drip dyes
My mind falls through to old Grange Road
Scrunching home in crunching leaves
Churning up our childhood innocence
In stories while a dear friend grieves
I take a breath of God fresh air
In an atmosphere fret and fateful
A little healing in autumn wonder
Gathering chestnuts of my grateful.