I wrote this prayer for the 4 Corners festival BBC Radio Ulster Sunday Service that aired on Sunday February 3rd, 2019...
Forgiving God
We worship you for who you are
And loving
We thank you that you don’t just talk about love
But that you demonstrated your love for us, in this,
That while we were still sinners
Christ died for us
Forgiving God
We thank you for our forgiveness
And for what forgiveness brings us
Freedom from our guilt
Release from the bitterness and ghosts of the past
Forgiving God
Forgive us our sins
As we forgive those who sin against us
Except Lord
That that is one of our most scandalous sins
Accepting your forgiveness so quickly
While at the same time being very slow to forgive other
Our neighbours
Our enemies
Our Churches
Our leaders.
God forgive our lack of forgiveness.
Forgiving God
Your word tells us
That you are faithful and just to forgive us of our sins
But then adds
And purify us from all unrighteousness
Lord, as we confess the scandal of our lack of forgiveness
Transform us into forgiving people
That we might become like you
Following your lead
To be forgivers
Within our families
In our neighbourhoods
In our Churches
Between our Churches
Across our society
And even in depths of our very own souls.
Forgiving God
Our country needs forgiveness
A scandalous forgiveness
That does good to those who hate us,
Blesses those who curse us,
Prays for those who mistreat us.
Lord, take us through the cross of forgiveness
The courageous self denial and the suffering
And bring us through to the resurrection of forgiveness
Where the past is left in the tomb
And brand new life burst through
May it be so,
In our individual souls
And in our communities
Right across the 4 Corners of our city and land.
In the name of Jesus
Who forgave
Even when they didn’t know what they’d done.