Next week is the General Assembly of
the Presbyterian Church In Ireland and as Derry/Londonderry is the UK City of
Culture this year we are meeting there. On Wednesday night at the Moderator’s
Rally, (8pm) in the Millennium Forum, we will be looking at Christ Transforming Culture and I will be playing a
role in that evening. My task will be to set up Biblically a theology of Christ
transforming not only individuals but the entire culture. I will be using Paul’s
Christological poetry in Colossians 1, which is probably an early Church hymn,
to open up this vision of God’s plan for the redemption of all of culture. This
was John Calvin’s dream as sieved through the words of Calvinist theologian
Abraham Kuyper, there is not one square inch in the entire universe
where Jesus Christ does not declare ‘this is mine.’” When we pray with Jesus “Thy
kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven...” it is this
cultural transformation that we are pleading for. As Isaiah prayed, “Rend the
heavens and come down.”
So we will unpack this Biblical mandate and then talk to a variety of people about how they are serving Christ in that transforming of the culture they find themselves in. Rev Alistair Bates will talk about his situation in an urban context, Rev Molly Deatherage will talk about rural west of Ireland, Ruth Trimble will share her experiences as a singer/songwriter on a 50 State Tour of America and sing, Philip Orr will do some monologues and tell us about the use of drama to transform the divided culture of Northern Ireland and Tim Magowan will encourage us to be involved in the IF campaign to transform our world as the G8 leaders descend on Fermanagh. All in all an amazing night wrapped up in great worship.
Tickets are free but needed. Phone 02890322284 for details!