When the God of all the universe landed wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying softly on a bed of animal straw we should not be fooled by the gentleness of his arrival. In that moment the world shuddered. It was as if the God who filled the entire Universe squeezed his vastness into a tiny little piece of semtax explosive and hurtled from the far end of the Universe like a meteorite and crashed into planet earth knocking it from the way things were to a hopefulness of the new
way that it could be. Here, in the nativity we see this absurd almost crazy revolution; King of the Universe in some backstreet manger; the humility of God becoming a servant of his creation; a God of justice loving and welcoming in those whom he was at enmity with; the blessedness of the poor. The King of the day felt the tremor and sent his death squads to kill it at birth but on and on down through history this semtax thud has drawn people to turn the way things
are on their heads and attempt to interrupt the status quo of the first being first with a strange concept called grace where no matter who we are or what we are done we are like the shepherds and Magi, welcomed, forgiven, redeemed, adopted, loved.
Heavenly meteorite hurtling
Unseen but deeply felt
If never fully realised
By those who’ve never knelt
The tremors they ripple across all time
The poets at last can find their rhyme
Heavenly meteorite hurtling.
Heavenly meteorite hurtling
As usual but all amiss
History stripped of how it was
To how from now on it is
The radical revolution all a shudder
Old way surrendering to this new other
Heavenly meteorite hurtling
Heavenly meteorite hurtling
Unnoticed but all askew
Thrones thrown out of kilter
The meek inherit what’s new
The repercussions spin out forever
Imaginers threading peace back together
Heavenly meteorite hurtling.