Lyric For The Day 30.10.10 From Any Road by George Harrison (for John and Gillian)
“Bow to God call him sir
But if you don’t know where you’re going
Any road will take you there”
- from Any Road by George Harrison
Today my good friends, and ex students in Chaplaincy, John Martin and Gillian Campbell get married. I am honoured to speak at their wedding and as I was preparing the sermon I was uploading some George Harrison songs and this one kind of fitted rather well with what I am trying to say.
John and Gillian’s wedding is not that liturgical rite of passage that is merely about dressing up, cutting cakes and getting the photos. For them this is another sacred moment on a lifetime of sacred moments as they seek to follow the road that Jesus has invited them to walk. Their readings from Psalm 139 and Romans 12 are a testimony to their faith, a willingness to be critiqued and made accountable and a declaration of their commitment to finding their place on the road God has for them, a place where they will make most impact as world formative Christians.
They could go through the motions of hymns and they could bow to God in some half hearted vow but instead John and Gillian are clearly following Jesus on a road with a purpose and destiny. Any other kind of wedding or life for that matter could end up anywhere!